Compare your flight details with the details mentioned on the confirmation of the taxi company. In case these details don't correspond, please contact AIRPORTCAB24.COM or the taxi company in charge of your taxi ride up to 5 hours before checking in. Any changes within 5 hours before leaving can't possibly be carried out accordingly our conditions. We will do our utmost best to find a suitable solution.
- Make your reservation in time
We need to know your reservation within 5 hours before leaving. We can not guarantee a correct treatment of a reservation within 5 hours before leaving. Of course we do our utmost and often we are able to conform the quality restrictions, if you have doubts please contact AIRPORTCAB24.COM
- Availability
Reservations at AIRPORTCAB24.COM are always dependent on the availability of the cabs.
- Departure pickup time
The hour we pick you up at your house, we will inform you before 21.00h. In most cases you will receive an email about the details of the hour we will pick you up at your house. It is possible that we arrive 10 minutes later or earlier than the hour we informed you. When the driver is not at your house 15 minutes after the hour indicated, you can call the number indicated in your confirmation sent by the driver. When you combine transportation you will not be at the airport earlier than 1 hour before checking . If there is no other option than one hour before checking in, we will always discuss this with you.
- Luggage
The transportation of two bag and one hand luggage per person is included in the transportation. Bringing extra baggage is possible, when you inform us before. In most cases you can bring extra baggage when you have discussed this before. In some cases we will charge you an extra seat per two pieces of luggage. That also counts for ski equipment.The transportation of surfboards, bicycles etc. is not possible when transportation is combined with more persons,but possible on request with private transport, though sometimes extra charges apply . When you have questions please contact AIRPORTCAB24.COM
- Delays on the road
AIRPORTCAB24 can never be responsible for delays that result into missing your flight. You can be assured that we do our utmost to prevent this from happening.
- Return journey
When your flight is in delay, you do not have to inform us. AIRPORTCAB24 is already taking this in account. When you make a reservation with us we take note of your flight details, so we can monitor possible delays. You have to be at the meeting point one hour after landing. Maximum one hour after landing you will leave the airport with the taxi driver. When you are at the meeting point later than one hour after landing we can not guarantee that you will leave the airport one hour after landing. You can always go with the first taxi arriving.
- Children Seats
AIRPORTCAB24 can in some cases, deliver maxi-cosis (for babies). You have to indicate this clearly with your Reservation. AIRPORTCAB24 offers, against payment, the possibility to deliver child seats or chair highers for the transportation of children of approximately 9 months up to 3 years (9-18 kg) and children of approximately 3 up to 11 years old (15-26 kg). You are responsible to indicate the exact age and wage. AIRPORTCAB24 is not responsible for an incorrect indication in order to determine the correct safety measurements and for losing or damage of the luggage you handed over for storage.
- Change in your flight number and/or the date of the return flight
Up to 5 hours before arrival of the indicated flight or when you arrive earlier you have to indicate the change up to 5 hours before arrival. When you did not inform us within those time limits we can not garantee that you will leave the airport within the maximum waiting hours. You can always leave the airport with the first possible opportunity. When indicating a flight change in a foreign country you can always use the phone number that you received with your confirmation.
- Payment
You have to pay cash to the taxi driver at Target. When you reserved a round trip you can pay cash to the driver when you leave and you will receive a receipt for the return drive.
- Cancelling
Up to 5 hours before your driver picks you up AIRPORTCAB24 charges you 00% of administration and cancellation costs. When you cancel the reservation within 5 hours before the driver arrives at your house we have to charge you the total amount. Partial annulations of reserved round trips within 5 hours before the first drive are not possible.